Team Zest.

At Zest Personal Training, we’re positive, practical, persistent and cheeky enough to challenge you to always go one better.

Combined with qualifications and experience, the attitude of Team Zest is paramount.

Real people. Real results. Real living.


Lee Johnson

As founder and principal trainer at Zest Personal Training, Lee is the energy that drives the day-to-day running of the studio and the big picture thinking that puts together specialist challenges, like the Cradle Mountain hike and the Sydney City to Surf fun run.

Lee is an accredited exercise scientist (AES) registered with Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA), having completed her degree in Exercise and Sports Science with Distinction in 2020. She is also a fully-qualified personal trainer, registered with Fitness Australia. Lee is continually developing her professional skills through ongoing training and is currently undertaking a Masters in Clinical Exercise Physiology.

Lee believes you can never know too much – Lee has a passion for disease prevention through nutrition and exercise and has completed studies in nutritional physiology and the study of diet and disease. Lee subscribes to EBSCO journals, allowing her to continue to stay up to date with all evidence based information relating to nutrition and health.

You’ll find Lee in the Zest studio most days (and many evenings) working with clients on their customised programs, perfecting form and technique, consulting and motivating, inspiring and propelling people to achieve the best they can.

Lee was recently training clients at Sparrow Park, Geelong West, during COVID-19 Stage 3 Restrictions but has happily returned with her clients to the studio since restrictions have lifted.

It’s serious work, but Lee is never without her beaming smile and a ready laugh to smooth over the ‘tough love’ she’s famous for!

Lee has travelled to the U.S and expanded her experience by assisting in organisation and promotion of body building, figure and physique competitions, whilst also training clients. Lee is a NPC judge, but Zest is her brainchild and where she loves to see her clients reaping rewards.


Bev Francis

Bev is a specialist trainer who works with bodybuilding athletes. Bev is the co-owner of Bev Francis Powerhouse, Syosset, N.Y. and travels between the U.S. and Australia regularly.

Bev is semi-retired, and works in a consulting capacity, overseeing training programs for aspiring and professional bodybuilding athletes. She works co-operatively with Lee to design training programs, and oversees all aspects of competition preparation.

Bev is an Australian icon, a national track and field representative, Australian shot put record holder, 6 times world power lifting champion, world professional body building champion, international IFBB & NPC bodybuilding judge, and co-promoter of numerous body building shows including the famous New York Pro.

During Bev’s career she broke over 40 power lifting world records, and was one of the stars of the movie ‘Pumping Iron 2: The Women’. She is considered to be one of the most influential pioneers in women’s strength and physique development, impacting the world of body building whilst gaining 3 bronze and 2 silver medals in the coveted Miss Olympia contests.

Learn more about Bev’s amazing story: